Online experts meeting on Discovery of Novel Microbial Strains & the Impact of the Nagoya protocol | November 24, 2020

Register now for our next online experts meeting on “Discovery of Novel Microbial Strains and the Impact of the Nagoya protocol“. In this meeting experts and stakeholders from both academia and industry will meet, share and discuss challenges and opportunities. The meeting will be aired live on Tuesday November 24, 2020.

Experts from the Centre for Genetic Resources, DSM Nutritional Products, WUR, SINTEF and BaseClear will share their knowledge and insights on how the Nagoya protocol influences the discovery and industrial use of microbial strains. In addition the reclassification of the genus Lactobacillus is discussed, including the impact this has on commercial use and regulatory aspects of these strains.


  • Dr. Derek Butler | Commercial Director, BaseClear
  • Dr. Radhika Bongoni | Head of Business Development, BaseClear

Session 1: Discovery of novel microbial strains
Session starts at 10.30 Central European Time

  • Unlock: An open large-scale infrastructure for exploring new horizons for research on microbial communities  
    Dr. Peter Schaap | Associate Professor, WUR
  • Expanding the (meta)genomics toolbox for novel enzyme and bioactive compound discovery and production
    Dr. Alexander Wentzel | Senior researcher, SINTEF
  • The importance of culturomics for unraveling microbial life in extreme environments
    Dr. Aleksandrina Patyshakuliyeva | Product Manager – BaseClear

Session 2: The Nagoya protocol and re-classification of strains
Start at 14.30 Central European Time

  • The Nagoya protocol: what you need to know
    Dr. Martin Brink | Policy Advisor, Centre for Genetic Resources
  • Industry perspective on the Nagoya protocol
    Dr. Markus Wyss | Strain Director, Global Regulatory Affairs & Quality Management, DSM Nutritional Products
  • The impact of re-classification of microbial strains 
    Dr. Adalberto Costessi | Product Manager Genomics & Regulatory Affairs, BaseClear

Registration closed

If you are interested in this topic, send us a message. 


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Meet Derek Butler!

Dr. Derek Butler is BaseClear's CEO. He has served BaseClear for the last 15 years in a number of leadership positions. He is a microbiologist and a graduate of University College Cork and TIAS Business School. Dr. Butler has more than 20 years of biotech experience and has held a number of commercial and scientific roles within BaseClear. He is also the co-founder of Leiden-based MyMicroZoo, a company that offers direct-to-consumer microbiome testing. 

Contact Derek
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