Experts meeting on Human microbiome applications in therapies – Thursday March 18, 2021

BaseClear routinely organises expert meetings wherein scientists and application specialist meet, share and discuss microbiome projects, challenges and opportunities related to human health. Our next experts meeting is title “Human Microbiome Applications in Therapies” and is scheduled for Thursday March 18, 2021. This meeting will be hosted online. Due to the interactive nature of this meeting, the number of participants is limited.

Microbiomes play a vital role in human health. However there is still much research to be done to understand the functional links between the microbiome and disease. The industry is advancing rapidly by linking the microbiome to human health including identifying early risk factors of diseases and learning how the microbiome influences our ability to respond to therapies.

Agenda & speakers

Chair: Dr. Radhika Bongoni | Head of Business Development, BaseClear

Morning session – Session starts at 10.30 Central European Time

  • KEYNOTE: Individual variations and long-term stability of the gut microbiome: lessons from population studies
    Prof. Alexandra (Sasha) Zhernakova | Full Professor of the Human Genome and Exposome, UMCG
  • Human Milk Oligosaccharides & Early Life Microbiota
    Dr. Bernard Berger | R&D Expert Microbiome, Nestlé Research
  • Strain level analysis of the infant microbiome
    Dr. Eline Klaassens | Product Manager Human Health, BaseClear

Afternoon session – Session starts at 14.30 Central European Time

  • On the road to personalized medicine: IBS and IBD
    Dr Annikka Polster | Marie Curie Scientia Fellow, University of Oslo
  • Early-life environmental exposures and the influence on human immune system development
    Dr. Petter Brodin | Associate Professor, Karolinska Institutet
  • Nasal microbiome as a therapeutic target in consumer respiratory health
    Dr. Rob Howlin | Microbiologist, Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare

Registration closed

Registration for this event is not possible anymore. In case you want to discuss specific topics or get updated on future similar events, fill in the contact form below. 


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Meet Eline Klaassens!

Human microbiome specialist Eline Klaassens joined BaseClear to use her expertise as Scientist. “I’ve always had a strong interest in sustainability and human health. Many people have health problems related to gut dysbiosis. Through my studies, I’ve learnt a lot about the gut microbiome and I’d like to use my knowledge to improve people’s wellbeing through applications developed with microbial genomics,” she comments. Eline advises clients about genomics analyses for expert projects for clinical trials and the food industry. "As a human microbiome expert, customers value my contribution to interpretation of the analyses to support their projects. I make an important contribution to the success of their research due to my specialised academic background,” she notes.

Contact Eline
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