BaseClear organises the 1st World Microbiome Experts Quiz

On June 26 BaseClear celebrates World Microbiome Day with an online – free to participate – World Microbiome Experts Quiz. The quiz will be held during a live event on Friday June 26st at 16.00 (CET). The winner of the quiz will be title as the BaseClear Microbiome Master 2020, and will win a €250,- gift card! Registration is possible at

For the quiz we’ll be using Crowdpurr. You can join via a second screen or second device (e.g. a mobile phone). This is what you’ll use to answer the quiz questions. The quiz will take approximately 40 minutes. Points are awarded for correct answers and speed of answering. At the end of the quiz, Crowpurr will announce the top players who will win the prizes.

Registration is open to everyone. Please share and invite others to register for this quiz!

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