Shotgun metagenomics

Based on a number of factors including study design and budgets, researchers need to decide the approach to use in human, animal and environmental microbiome studies. Generally this choice is between the low-cost microbial profiling (amplicon/16S sequencing) and the high-cost approach of complete metagenome sequencing (shotgun metagenomics). BaseClear offers a service that combines benefits of both approaches. With our shallow shotgun sequencing service, we offer a thoroughly tested workflow for cost-efficient species-level community profiling and functional analysis for human, animal and environmental microbiome studies.

Shotgun metagenomics analysis

Our shotgun metagenomics analysis allows to study the genetic material of entire microbial communities present in (low biomass) samples. A reliable and efficient method for obtaining species level taxonomic classification of all microbes.

  • Supports analysis of clinical trial projects
  • Detects low abundant species in multiple kingdoms with readouts including true & false positives
  • Validated state-of-the-art databases and industry benchmarking – infant microbiome, human gut microbiome, skin microbiome, pathogens, Rumen & Methanogen, Poultry microbiome
  • Proprietary protocols to handle low biomass samples (e.g., skin, vaginal, oral and scalp swabs)
  • Client-friendly and easy to interpret report with high resolution publication-ready figures and tables


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