On Friday, May 18, 2018 BaseClear will move to its newly built laboratory. Our new building has two addresses, a visiting address and an address for logistics. The BaseClear mailbox and telephone number remain unchanged. Thus the addresses of BaseClear will be:
Sylviusweg 74 |
Galileiweg 4 |
PO Box 1336 |
The weeks around the move will be both exciting and challenging. All of our often very sensitive equipment must be disconnected, prepped, transported, installed and tested before we can put it back into production. We have therefore planned the move around the long Whitsun weekend.
We aim to minimize the inconvenience of the relocation for our customers, however we cannot exclude that the relocation will have consequences for the delivery times of projects. Only on the day of the removal we will not run production at all. On the days around the move, production is possible, but with limited capacity. If you want to submit projects with very strict deadlines, please contact us to discuss the possibilities.
On Friday 18th of May, our IT infrastructure will also move. Therefore we cannot be reached via our central number that day. For urgent matters, you can contact us that day on at +31 (0)6-12761783.
New projects can be sent in during the relocation period. Orders that are delivered before May 18th can be sent to our current address (Einsteinweg 5 in Leiden). Orders that are delivered after May 18th must be addressed to the new logistic address (Galileiweg 4 in Leiden), or they can be brought to our reception (Sylviusweg 74 in Leiden).
As soon as we are in the new building and everything is correctly installed, we expect to be able to work even more efficiently. After all, the new laboratory has been completely built to our requirements and wishes. When we are in our new building you are of course welcome to visit us and have a look.
If there are any questions about the relocation or the processing of projects during that period, you can contact us via info@baseclear.com or +31 (0) 71 523 3917.
Best regards,
The BaseClear team