In the quest for next-generation and improved hair products, scalp microbiome analysis is increasingly applied to investigate the influence to e.g. dandruff, hair loss and dybiose conditions. Using scalp microbiome and related approaches BaseClear can help you analyse the scalp microbiome globally or more thoroughly, to measure differences between different treatments and determine the interactions between your product and the microbiome.
Clinical dermatological issues like dandruff, hair loss and dysbiose conditions are related to the balance of the scalp microbiome. Scalp microbiome analysis is important for the development of an appropriate treatment for these issues. For some products, a scalp microbiome analysis might be necessary to show the efficacy of a product, for example in case of developing an anti-dandruff shampoo, or the development of prebiotics or probiotics in relation to the scalp microbiome. For other products, a scalp microbiome analysis might be required to prove that a product is microbiome-friendly, which might be relevant for example for hair dyes and hairstyling products.
We offer complete solutions, from consultancy, initial study design, sampling and logistics to the actual performance of the DNA or RNA-based microbiome analysis and the final data analysis and interpretation. In this way, we can be your partner to speed up your innovations and work together to make your products more microbiome-friendly. Our team includes a number of experienced PhD-level molecular biologists, microbiome specialists and bioinformatics experts. Get in touch with one of these experts to discuss your project or to learn more about our scalp microbiome analysis solutions.
Get in touch with the BaseClear experts to discuss your specific project.