Our history
Today, BaseClear is proud to be serving multiple international markets across the oceans, with the latest in-house technology and expertise built on this strong foundation. |
BaseClear employs its 30+ years of extensive experience and expertise on microbial genomics to support innovations and products that advance human and animal health and promote a sustainable future for a better tomorrow. Offering innovative and state-of-the-art genomic services, our team aids clients in discovery, product development, regulatory approval, IP protection analysis, and claim substantiations. Our support extends from project design phase before the first sample is collected, to post-market launch. Conducting DNA research in cutting-edge laboratories, we deliver comprehensive reports and insightful interpretations.
Your projects are in the good hands of our experts and experienced project managers!
“The exploitation of the microbial world is essential for a sustainable, safer, and healthier future.”
Microorganisms hold immense, untapped potential to address a multitude of global challenges, from antibiotic resistance and human health to agricultural productivity and climate change. Recent advancements in DNA technologies have unveiled the previously unseen world of microbes, enabling us to understand their intricate interactions with the environment. Our state-of-the-art laboratory and bioinformatics capacity lead by team of experts, supports our clients to unravel the power of the microbial world.
Through more than 30 years of dedication, we’ve built a strong foundation, thanks to our loyal customers and collaborative partners in the industry as well as academia and research. Together, we continuously enhance our services and develop innovative solutions. We are looking forward to continuing these valuable partnerships, as only through collective efforts can we fully grasp the power of microbes to create a healthier, more sustainable future for all.
BaseClear operates from its BREAAM award-winning Nucleus building. Our building is located at the heart of the Leiden Bio Science Park, the largest Life Sciences and Health (LSH) cluster in the Netherlands.
BaseClear is surrounded by over 200 dedicated life sciences companies and research institutes in the Leiden Bio Science Park including Janssen, IFF, TNO, LUMC and successful startups such as Meatable, MyMicroZoo, and Imuno Therapeutics. This has proven an excellent environment for us to flourish!
BaseClear in its capacity, operates sustainably.
The sustainability of the Nucleus building is in line with the corporate vision of BaseClear since we consider sustainability to be of paramount importance. BaseClear also stimulates its employees to use public transport for commuting and to work in a more sustainable way e.g. by reducing printing and waste. We also aim to contribute more to sustainability research projects.