Skin Health & Skin Care

We at BaseClear believe that more people can have a healthy skin with a balanced microbiome and we would like to contribute to that. Using genomics and related approaches BaseClear can help you analyse the skin microbiome globally or more thoroughly, to measure differences between different treatments and determine whether a product is gentle on the microbiome. This can be done for a wide variety of products, such as cosmetics and personal care products, antibiotics, pre- or probiotics and pharmaceuticals.

Skin health applications

  • Cosmetic applications: A better understanding of the skin microbiome might be necessary for your research on the development of cosmetic products, like moistures, wipes and cleansers. Microbiome profiling can demonstrate the efficacy of your product and can be required to put a ‘microbiome-friendly’ claim on a product.
  • Dermatological applications: An imbalance in the skin microbiome can contribute to various skin disorders, such as eczema, acne, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, while an antimicrobial treatment can lead to clinical improvements. Hence, skin microbiome analysis is an important part of clinical dermatological research. A resistome analysis, indicating which antibiotic resistance genes are present, might be helpful as well, especially in relation to chronic infections.
  • Skin burns and wound healing: In case of skin burns and other types of skin wounds, not only the skin itself needs to be recovered, but also the skin microbiome on top of this. As long as the microbiome is still dysbiotic, there will be a higher risk for bacterial infections, while the healing might be impaired as well. Stimulation of the beneficial components of the skin microbiome and elimination of specific pathogenic ones might help to minimize these risks, for example via a treatment based on probiotics, antimicrobials or phages. In the development of such treatments, the skin microbiome analysis plays a crucial role.

What BaseClear offers

We offer complete solutions, from consultancy, initial study design, sampling and logistics to the actual performance of the DNA or RNA-based microbiome analysis and the final data analysis and interpretation. In this way, we can be your partner to speed up your innovations and work together to make your products more microbiome-friendly. Our team includes a number of experienced PhD-level molecular biologists, microbiome specialists and bioinformatics experts. Get in touch with one of these experts to discuss your project or to learn more about our skin microbiome analysis solutions.

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